

    AK-74. Soviet-made automatic weapon used by Ammar's terrorists as they storm the crushing mill on Santa Inez Island.


    Al-Hakim Mohammed. A scholarly mullah who is Yazid's shadow. Present at the meeting with Yazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned. Described as having the face of a man who spent half his life in a dungeon. His pale skin seems almost transparent.


    Alexander the Great. King of Macedonia. Died in 323 B.C. in Babylon. His gold-and-crystal coffin was removed from Alexandria and packed around the sides with three hundred twenty copper tubes that read: "Geologic Charts." This, along with sixty-three tapestries, was buried by Venator's men near the Hills of' Rome.


    Alexandria Library. Vast information source that contained knowledge of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires along with little-known civilizations outside the Mediterranean. In A.D. 391, Christian Emperor Theodosius ordered all books and art depicting anything remotely pagan, which included the teachings of the immortal Greek philosophers, burned and destroyed. Much of the collection was thought to have been secretly saved and spirited away. What became of it, or where it was hidden, remains a mystery sixteen centuries later. A group led by Venator buries it in an unknown land. The entire party, minus four sailors who escape on a small merchant ship named the Serapis, are slaughtered by the barbarians in retaliation for an attack on their village. Rothberg describes the library as a library/museum/university, an immense structure of white marble that contained picture galleries, statuary halls and theaters for poetry readings and lectures. There were also dormitories, a dining hall and animal and botanical parks. The contents of the library are later found by Pitt in Roma, Texas, under No Name Hill. After Sharp catalogs them, the contents are transported to a secure building complex in Maryland for restoration and preservation. A replica of the Alexandria Library is scheduled to be built on the Washington Mail.


    Antonov, Georgi. President of the Soviet Union. Likes to ball his mistress in the backseat of his limousine on the way to the Kremlin.


    Ardencaple Fjord. Fjord on the northeast coast of Greenland. Site near the University of Colorado archaeological dig, where Pitt is searching for missing Soviet submarine. Location where Nebula Flight 106 crashes.


    Aristophanes. Was head of the Alexandria Library two hundred years before Christ. The father of the dictionary.


    Arnold, Joe. Person in the Treasury Department who goes with Nichols to Kingston to meet with debtor nations that want to forget debts.


    Ariz Ammar, Suleiman. Terrorist who kills Lemke and replaces him on Nebula Flight 106. Described as having olive-brown eyes with a Gypsy like piercing quality. His nose has been broken more than once, and a long scar runs down the base of his left jaw. Has close-cropped gray hair and a lined face that suggests an age somewhere in his late fifties. Has a receding hairline and a large black mustache. A good practicing Muslim who has little interest in politics, a mercenary with no known association with fanatical Islamic die-hards. Does contract work for Yazid. His wealth is estimated at more than sixty million dollars. Plans and executes the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough by impersonating Captain Collins. Smokes Dunhill cigarettes. After he meets Pitt under a white flag of truce at the crushing mill on Santa Inez Island, he attempts to shoot Pitt in the back. Pitt, wearing a bulletproof vest, returns fire, striking Ammar in the right shoulder, chin, lower jaw and wrist, and the fourth round passes through his face from side to side, removing his eyes. Now blind. Telmuk hides him from the Special Operations Force and then fashions a crude raft and floats with the current until picked up by a Chilean fishing boat. After stealing an airplane in Puerto Williams, they fly to Buenos Aires, where they charter a plane to Egypt. Goes to Yazid's home to seek revenge. With a knife, he stabs Yazid and kills him.


    Aztec. Nahuatl-speaking civilization that was conquered by Cortez.


    Baker, Sergeant. Special Operations Force sergeant who finds the hostages on Santa Inez Island.


    Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Location where Yaeger first believes the Alexandria Library was buried. Near the Pine Barrens, an area with dwarf pines similar to what Ruffinus described. It also is near a quarry where the crew of the Serapis could have found the ballast stones they mentioned loading aboard. Turns out to be wrong.


    Bashir, Colonel Naguib. Leader of a clandestine group of Egyptian military officers who support Yazid. Is present at the meeting with Yazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned.


    Benetti Super Ninety. Type of semiautomatic shotgun Pitt gives Findley when they arrive at Santa Inez Island.


    Benning, Richard. Special Operations Force dive team leader.


    British Westland Commando. Animar's intended escape helicopter. An older but reliable craft designed for troop transport and logistic support. It can carry thirty or more passengers if they're crammed inside.


    Brogan, Martin. Director of the CIA. Described as slim and urbane, he has long-fingered violinist's hands. Drinks his coffee with a teaspoon of sugar.


    Bucinator. Roman bugler who sounds the call to battle assembly.


    Buckley Field. Air National Guard base near Denver, Colorado, where government jets, including the one that removes Kamil from Colorado, land.


    Byzantium. Civilization whose capital was Bosporus (formerly Byzantium). Bosporus became Constantinople, which became Istanbul.


    C-6 nitroglycerine gel. Type of explosive, two hundred kilograms, Pitt asks Holus to secure. Ten kilograms of C-6 can take out a battleship. Nitrogel is shock hazardous. The charge blows the top of Gongora Hill ten meters in the air.


    C-140. Military cargo and troop transport plane. A C-140 transports the Demon Stalkers to South America.


    Cabo Gallegos. A Chilean ore carrier bound from Punta Arenas to Dakar with a load of coal. Turns up in the Landsat picture.


    Cichus. A famous writer and authority on Greek tragedy. While at the Alexandria Library, he compiled the world's first Who's Who.


    Campos, Hall. Harbor pilot for Punta del Este. Described as having tobacco-stained teeth, with an accent more Irish than Spanish. Smokes cigars. Has known Collins for almost twenty years.


    Cannonball Express. What Pitt nicknames the narrow gauge locomotive he commandeers on Santa Inez Island.


    Cantegril Country Club. Exclusive country club in Punta del Este where some of the heads of state stay during the economic summit.


    Capesteffe family. A family crime dynasty that started after World War 11. A billion-dollar empire run by the father, mother, three brothers and a sister along with various uncles, aunts and cousins. Roland and Josephine are the father and mother. The oldest son is Robert (Topiltzin), the next brother in line is Paul (Yazid), Karl and Marie are the younger brother and sister. The grandfather launched the criminal family by immigrating from France to the Caribbean and smuggling stolen goods and booze during Prohibition. The enterprise is now said to be worth twelve billion dollars.


    Carrier Pigeons. Small, silent Special Operations Force helicopters. They carry a pilot in the enclosed cockpit and two men on the outside. Come equipped with an infrared red dome and silenced tail rotors. They can be broken down or assembled in fifteen minutes, and six of the Carrier Pigeons can fit into each C-140.


    Chandler, Brigadier General Curtis. U.S. Army general. Served three tours in Vietnam. Nicknamed Steel trap Chandler. Holus served under Chandler in NATO. His wife died a year ago. He has no children. Served with the president when they were both lieutenants of artillery in Korea. After defying a direct order to fire on the Mexican women and children storming across the border, he is promoted to two star general by the president.


    Chavez, Carlos. Son of Luiz Chavez. Helps to find the wreckage of the Lola.


    Chavez, Luiz. The old fisherman who found the wreckage of the Lola. Described as having a red beard. His boat crew consists of his son Carlos, along with Raul, Justino and Manuel.


    Converse Oliver. Captain of the Lady Flambor enough. Described as a slim man who stands straight as a plumb line. Never refers to anyone by his or her Christian name. Kidnapped with the rest of his crew by Yazid.


    Cord L-29. A 1930-model American car that features front-wheel drive. Pitt's example is a town car with an open front for the driver. The body is painted burgundy, while the fenders are a buff color that matches the leathered roof Over the passenger compartment. The Cord factory had stretched the chassis until it measures five and a half meters from front to rear bumper. Almost half the length is hood, beginning with a race car-type grill and ending with a sharply raked windshield. Best speed recorded for an L-29 was seventy seven miles an hour. Powered by a straight-eight engine with 115 horsepower. Weighs 2,120 kilometers. Pitt attempts to escape Ismad and his men by driving the Cord up a ski area access road. When that doesn't work, he turns the Cord down a ski slope. The two Mercedes are wrecked. At the end of the run, the Cord crashes into The base lodge.


    Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. Where the NUMA jet carrying Pitt, Sandecker and Sharp lands as they begin the search for the Alexandria Library. Located along the Gulf of Mexico in Texas.


    Don, Captain Louis. U.S. Army captain with the 486th Engineering Battalion. Orders Holus and Pitt from Gongora Hill. Holus refuses.


    Daneborg. Village in Greenland with a weather station that Gronquist orders Graham to contact after Nebula Flight 106 crashes.


    De Pineda, Alonzo. First European explorer to sail up the Rio Grande.


    Deep Rover. The submersible aboard the Sounder- Deep Rover is a two hundred forty-milimeter sphere divided by large O-rings and sits on a rectangular pod that holds 120-volt batteries. all sorts of strange appendages sprout from the sphere: thrusters and motors, oxygen cylinders, carbon dioxide removal canisters, docking mechanisms, camera systems and a scanning sonar unit. Has manipulators that extend in the front that are best described as mechanical hands and arms. Used by Pitt and Giordino to find the wreck of the General Bravo.


    Delgado, Jorge. Radio operator Machado sends for after Ammar and his crew disappear.


    DeLorenzo, President. President of Mexico. Is aboard the Lady Flamborough when the ship is hijacked. Described as a short man in his early sixties, physically robust with wind-blown gray hair, mournful dark eyes and the suffering look of an intellectual confined to a mental institution.


    Demon Stalkers. The eighty-man group of Special Operations Force commandos under HoUrs's command.


    Dillenger, Major John. Second-in-command of the Demon Stalkers. A lean, stringy man with a pinched face. Has a Texas twang to his voice. Rescues the hostages from Santa Inez Island. Later is assigned to assist Pitt in Roma.


    Dionysius. Organized grammar into a coherent system while at the Alexandria Library and wrote the Art of Grammar, which became the model text for all Ianguages written or spoken.


    Dodge, Major General Frank. Commander of the Special Operations Force.


    Dragonfish. Ugly deep-sea fish encountered by Pitt and Giordino aboard the Deep Rover. Has a long eel shaped body, outlined by luminescence like a neon sign. Has frozen, gaping jaws that are never fully closed, kept apart by long, jagged teeth that are used more for trapping prey than for chewing. One eye gleams nastily, while a tube that was attached to a ruminated beard dangles from its lower jaw to lure the next meal.


    Drake Passage. The strip of water between South America and Antarctica.


    Earth Resources Tech Satellite. Also known as Landsat. Photographic images from the Landsat are used by the Uruguayans and NUMA to try to locate the Lady Flamborough.


    Esbenson, Robert. A tall man with a pixie face and limpid blue eyes. He found Pitt's Cord stored in an old garage under forty years of trash and restored it.


    Euclid. Great mathematician who wrote the first textbook on geometry while at the Alexandria Library.


    Executive Office Building. Located on Seventeenth and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Where packages are searched before being forwarded to the president.


    Falcon. Code name for Dillinger in the assault on the Lady Farnborough.


    Farquar, Keith. A CIA agent. Described as having a bushy mustache, thick brown hair and horn-rimmed glasses. A large, no-nonsense type of man with contemplative eyes. Briefs Nichols about Yazid.


    Fawzy, Khaled. Ramrod of Yazid's revolutionary council. Described as young and arrogant and tactless. Has dark eyes. Is present at the meeting with Yazid where the bijackmg of the Lady Flamborough is planned. Later is stabbed in the heart and dies when Ammar attacks Yazid and Fawzy with a carbon composite knife.


    Findley, Clayton. NUMA scientist aboard the Sounder. Black, medium height. Wears a stern expression and has a deep, rich baritone voice. Before NUMA, he was the chief geologist for an Arizona mining company who thought it could make a zinc mine on Santa Inez Island pay off. Pitt recruits him to go to the island because of his unique knowledge of the area. Seriously wounded in the gunfight in the ore-crushing building on Santa Inez Island. Bullets enter his right side and lodge in a lung and kidney. He is airlifted off the island and taken to Walter Reed Medical Center.


    Finney, Michael. First officer of the Lady Flamborough. Hates the fact that one of his duties is to entertain passengers on cruises. Described as big, with a barrel chest. His father was a sales rep for a Belfast machinery company, and he was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. Signed on with a Panamanian ore carrier when he was sixteen.


    Flores, Captain Ignacio. Captain in Uruguayan Naval Affairs who coordinates the Uruguayan air/sea hunt for the Lady Flamborough.


    "Fly Me to the Moon." Song Pitt requests from the piano player after the Cord crashes into the Base Lodge at the ski area.


    Fort Hood. U.S. Army base in Texas. The Army engineers are dispatched from here to take over the excavation for the Alexandria Library.


    Foster, Sergeant Jack. Dillinger's sergeant. When parachuting onto the glacier, he suffers a possible broken wrist.


    Gale, Dr. Jack. Doctor on the Polar Explorer who helps find survivors from Nebula Flight 106.


    Garza, Dr. Herb. NUMA's chief geologist. Described as short, plump, brown-skinned, with a few pockmarks on his cheeks. Has gleaming black hair. Born and raised in Laredo, Texas, he took his undergraduate work at Texas Southernmost College in Brownsville.


    General Bravo. A Mexican-registered container ship carrying supplies and oil-drilling equipment to San Pablo, a small port on the tip of Argentina. Turns up in the Landsat picture. Has a red hull with white superstructure. Sunk under orders of Ammar. The Lady Flamborough was then disguised to look like the General Bravo.


    Georsdar One. An electromagnetic reflection profiling system for subsurface exploration. A ground-probing radar unit. Manufactured by the Oyo Corporation. Used by Pitt to search Gongora Hill for the Alexandria Library.


    Gerhart, Jim. Special agent in charge of physical security for the White House.


    Gibraltar Straits. Exit from the Mediterranean Sea leading into the Atlantic Ocean. Pitt thinks Venator sailed his fleet through the straits and on to America to hide the Alexandria Library.


    Gladius. A double-edged pointed sword eighty-two centimeters long. One of the weapons used by the centurions.


    Glomar Explorer. Famous deep-sea research and salvage vessel built by Howard Hughes for the CIA. Used in recovering a Soviet Golf-class submarine near Hawaii in 1975.


    Gold Miliarensia. Type of coin Sharp finds at the Greenland site, thirteen and a half grams in weight. Graham values the coin at between six and eight thousand dollars. On the face is a likeness of Theodosius the Great, emperor of the Roman and Byzantine empires. The image of Theodosius shows captives at his feet, while his hands hold a globe and a labanim. The banner bears the Greek letters XP and forms a kind of monogram meaning in the name of Chat. Coined during the rein of Theodosius, Which Was A.D. 379 to 39,5.


    Gingham, Mike. One of the leading field archaeologists in the world. An expert on old coins. Described as being as laid back as a mortician. A light-skinned man with thinning sandy hair, Graham enjoys reading paperback adventure novels. Thrown from one of the rescue snowmobiles when they are driving out to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106.


    Greave. A guard worn over the shins by the centurions. A sort of body armor.


    Green, Sid. A photo-intelligence specialist with the National Security Agency.


    Gronquist Bay Village. The ancient Eskimo village on Greenland inhabited one to five hundred years after Christ. Named after Hiram Gronquist, the University of Colorado Professor who discovered the village five years ago.


    Gronquist, Dr. Hiram. The chief archaeologist for the four Person dig near Ardencaple Fjord. A large-bellied man with a black-whiskered, kindly-looking face. Is injured with a nasty contusion to the head when he crashes one of the rescue snowmobiles into a shattered wing from Nebula Flight 106. Saved by Pitt.


    Gulfstream IV. Type of plane that takes Pitt, Giordino and Sharp from Thule to Washington, D.C. Designed to carry up to nineteen passengers.


    Gyrfalcons. White arctic birds that are of a select few species that remain in the north during the winter.


    Hamid, Abu. Defense minister of Egypt. Demands that if he supports Yazid's takeover of the Egyptian government, Kamil would remain as secretary-general of the United Nations.


    Hartley, Frank. Flight engineer on Nebula Flight 106. Described as a freckle-faced man with sandy hair. We caught Clive here. On page 26, he describes Hartley as above, but on page 28, Hartley has transformed: wore a bushy mustache, had thin gray hair and a long, handsome face." It really doesn't matter-he is quickly killed by Ammar with an injection of the nerve agent sarin.


    Hasan, Nadav. Recently installed president of Egypt. Just past his fifty-fourth birthday, with g black hair. He stands slim and tall but moves with the halting movements of a man who is physically ill. His dusky eyes are watery and seem to stare through a filter of suspicion. Is on board when the Lady Flamborough is hijacked by Ammar.


    Heckler & Koch MP5. Submachine gun used by Ismail in the attack on Senator Pitt's ski chalet. Silenced machine guns borrowed from the Special Operations Force weapons locker by Giordino. Weapon carried by Giordino on Santa Inez Island.


    Hell hole. A small electronics bay below the cockpit of commercial airliners accessed through a trapdoor.


    The Hills of Rome. Site where Venator ordered the Alexandria Library buried.


    Hipparchus the Greek. Man who determined the position of earth landmarks by figuring their longitude and latitude one hundred thirty years before Christ.


    Hollis, Colonel Morton. Field leader of the Special Operations Force that is ordered to capture the Lady Flamborough. Described as short and almost as wide as he is tall. Forty years old. Has close-cropped, thin brown hair that is graying early. His eyes are bluegreen with the whites slightly yellowed from too much time in the sun without proper glasses. Leads the attack on the Lady Flamborough and later rescues the hostages from Santa Inez Island. Assigned to assist Pitt in Roma.


    Hoskins, Sam. A New York architect with a love for archaeology, Hoskins allows two months a year out of his busy schedule for digs around the world. Described as having neck-length blond hair and an enormous handlebar mustache. Thrown from one of the rescue snowmobiles when they are driving out to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106.


    Hoyo de Monterrey Excaliburs. Type of cigar favored by Sandecker and routinely stolen-two per week by Giordino.


    Huitzilopochtli. One of the Aztecs' revered gods.


    Husayn, Saddam (Hussein). Clive rarely is wrong about the future in his books, but he calls this one wrong. On page 92, Korolenko mentions that Iran defeated Iraq and Husayn (Hussein) was assassinated.


    Inter-American Economic and Social Council. Meeting held in Punta del Este at which was proclaimed the Alliance for Progress in which the debtor nations except Egypt repudiated their loans and erased foreign debt. That would lead to a worldwide banking collapse.


    Ismail, Muhammad. An Egyptian with a round face that is a curious blend of malevolence and childish innocence. His black beady eyes gaze with evil intensity over a heavy mustache, but they lack the power of penetration. He is bravado without substance. An obscure village mullah, he is present when Ammar parachutes from Nebula Flight 106. Later ordered to kill Kamil in Colorado. Is killed himself when his Mercedes goes over a ski jump and lands on its roof, crushing everyone inside.


    Jones, Isaac. The third officer on the Lady Flamborough. Described as a Scotsman with red hair.


    Jones, Lieutenant Samuel T. Works for Dodge in the Special Operations Forces Readiness Command.


    Keith, General. General at the Pentagon who informs Nichols that an elite Special Operations Force has left an hour ago for Tierra del Fuego. Nichols informs the president.


    KH-IL5. Type of U.S. spy satellite.


    Khomeini, Ayatollah. Mullah who rose to power in Iran after the departure of the Shah. A fanatical Muslim.


    Klein Side scan Sonar. Brand of sonar being used aboard the Polar Explorer.


    Knight, Commander Byron. U.S. Navy commander. Skipper of the Polar Explorer.


    Kornilov, Sergei. Head of the Soviet space program. Has a son who works at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City.


    Korolenko, Aleksey. Soviet deputy chief in Washington, D.C. Described as heavy-bodied; his face wears a fixed jovial expression.


    Labarum. What a banner was called in Roman times.


    Lady Flamborough. British cruise liner that Ammar hijacks from Punta del Este. Beautiful, with a streamlined superstructure. Instead of the traditional British black hull and white on the upper works, the ship is painted entirely in a soft slate blue with a sharply raked funnel banded in royal purple and burgundy. She is one hundred one meters in length and features only fifty large suites catered to by an equal number of staff. Home port is San Juan, Puerto Rico. Diesel powered with big bronze screws (propellers). After Ammar sails the ship and the hijacked passengers into the ocean, the Lady Flamborough is disguised with the 325 clever use of fiber-board panels and paint to appear as the General Bravo. Forty kilometers off the starboard bow from the General Bravo's scheduled destination of San Pablo, Argentina, the ship veers and continues south. Hidden by Ammar alongside a glacier on Santa Inez Island, the ship is later liberated by the Special Operations Force and towed back to Punta Arenas by the Sounder.


    Lake of the Ozarks. Chain of lakes in Missouri that is the location of the president's hideaway cottage. The president meets here with Nichols, Schiller, Senator Pitt and Sandecker. The president, on Wismer's i I advice, wants to turn the excavation of the Alexandria Library over to the military. Luckily for NUMA, the story about the possible find has already broken in the newspapers.


    Landsat. See Earth Resources Tech Satellite.


    Laser parabolic. A sensitive microphone that receives sounds from inside a room by vibrations on a windowpane, then magnifies them through fiber optics onto a sound channel. Used by the mercenaries hired by Yazid to record the conversation that explains Kamil has been taken to Breckenridge.


    Lemke, Captain Dale. Commercial airline pilot due to fly Nebula Flight 106. Murdered and replaced by Ammar. His body is later found in the trunk of a car parked at Heathrow.


    Lola. Large custom-designed motor yacht owned by Rivera. Forty meters in length with a beam of eight meters. Rivera was hosting a party for Argentinian and Brazilian diplomats when the Lady Flamborough rammed the Lola and broke the vessel in two. Rivera and his wife plus twenty-three guests and five crew members were aboard.


    Loper, Armando. The president's senior director of Latin American affairs.


    Luger. German 9-milftmeter handgun carried by Fawzy. He uses it to shoot Ammar after he stabs Yazid to death.


    Macer, Latinins. A Gaul who is chief overseer of the slaves. Described as a huge, hard-bitten character. A giant, he stands a good full head above everyone else. Has great hips and shoulders joined nearly as one and a pair of oak-beam arms ending in hands that drop almost to his knees. Killed by the barbarians.


    Machado, Juan. Captain of the General Bravo. He and his crew of-eighteen are transferred to the Lady Flamborough after the General Bravo is scuttled. Works for Topiltzin. Has oily hair and dirty fingernails. One whiff is enough to realize he seldom bathes. Ammar concludes that Topiltzin intends to have Machado murder him and his crew. Killed by the Special Operations Force when they storm the Lady Flamborough.


    Machineel. Also called poison guava, it is native to the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast of Mexico. It comes from a tree that bears a deadly, sweet-tasting, apple shaped fruit. Poison that was placed in the passengers' meal on Nebula Flight 106.


    Magellan Islands. String of islands around the Straits of Magellan. Landmarks include Break Point Peninsula, Deceit Island, Calamity Bay, Desolation Isle and Port Famine.


    Mahfouz, Mustapha. Identity Ammar uses to gain access to Yazid's home to murder him. The real Mahfouz is allegedly an uncle of Yazid.


    Mercedes-Benz 300 SDL. Car driven by Ismail when he chases Pitt in the Cord. Powered by turbocharged diesel engine, it is capable of two hundred twenty kilometers an hour. Ismail's two cars were driven across the Mexican border to Colorado and are registered to a nonexistent textile company in Matamoros, Mexico. Giordino tosses a socket wrench through the windshield of one of two Mercedes following the Cord and smashes its windshield, causing a wreck with the 300 SDL behind it. When Pitt takes the Cord down the ski slope, the first car is smashed in the mogul field. Pitt tricks Ismail's driver into going off a ski jump.


    Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


    Mifflin, Joe. Pilot of the helicopter that takes Pitt, Sandecker, Sharp and Garza from Corpus Christi to Roma.


    Miguel Aleman. Town on the Mexican side of the border across from Roma.


    Military Command Center. Area in the Pentagon where planning for the recovery of the Lady Flamborough takes place.


    Milihiser, Marlys. Author of The Threshold, a book Sharp is reading.


    Minerva. Brand of vertical-lift aircraft that resupplies Gronquist Bay Village every two weeks.


    Moheil Mussa. A famous Egyptian writer. In his mid-sixties, he is described as a witty, urbane and articulate man with a slow and gracious manner. A journalist who is Yazid's chief propagandist. Is present at the meeting with Yazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned.


    Monte Alban. Site of ancient pyramids, where Topiltzin preaches.


    Mount Italia. Mountain on Tierra del Fuego where a glacier flows down to the ocean.


    Mount Sarmiento. Tierra del Fuego mountain where a glacier flows down to the ocean.


    Mullah. Islamic religious leader.


    Narrow-gauge locomotive. Found by Pitt at the zinc mine on Santa Inez island, the locomotive is a 8 wheel arrangement. Commandeered by Pitt and his crew.


    Nebula Air. A plush airline that caters to VIPs. Operates on charter only. The airline's colors are three stripes running down the hull, light blue and purple separated by a band of gold.


    Nebula Flight 106. United States chartered flight that is carrying Kamil. A Boeing 720-B. After Ammar kills the crew and steers the plane north, he bails out over Iceland. The plane continues on to Greenland, where it crashes in Ardencaple Fjord.


    Nichols, Dale. Special assistant to the president of the United States. Gives off the image of a college professor, which he had been at Stanford before the president persuaded him to switch jobs. Has a thicket of coffee-brown hair, neatly parted down the middle, and old-style spectacles, with small round lenses and thin wire frames. Wears a bow tie and smokes a pipe. Learned Spanish during a two-year stint in the Peace Corps.


    No Name Hill. True location of the Alexandria library.


    Noricus, Artorius. A young legionnaire under the command of Severus. First to alert Severus and Venator the barbarians are attacking.


    NUMA Seasat. NUMA-operated satellite mentioned by Dodge on page 333.


    O'Hara, Sergeant. U.S. Army sergeant whom Cranston orders to clear Gongora Hill.


    Obsidian knife. Weapon used to remove Rivas's heart. Obsidian is stone, and the knife is razor-sharp.


    Operation Stogie. Code name for the theft of Sandecker's cigars. Launched by Giordino and an old Air Force buddy who is now a professional burglar for an intelligence agency.


    Orinoco River. River in Venezuela. Pitt wonders if it is where Venator might have buried the Alexandria Library.


    Osman Mustapha. Arab who reports that Pitt's group has taken over the crushing mill and has possession of the escape helicopter.


    Osprey assault aircraft. Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft that the Special Forces unit takes to Argentina. Has a tilt rotor. The bullet-shaped aircraft takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane in excess of six hundred kilometers an hour. Has a terrain-following computer that controls most flight operations.


    Oswald, Jerry. Copilot on Nebula Flight 106. Described as a big man with the pinched features of a desert prospector. After being injected with the hypodermic containing the nerve agent sarin, he fights with Ammar and almost succeeds in strangling him before the poison ends his life.


    Papyrus. A tropical plant. The Egyptians made a paper like writing material out of Papyrus stems.


    Parent. Also called vellum. It is produced from the skin of animals, especially young calves, kids or lambs. Used as a writing material.


    Parker, Herbert. Second officer on the Lady Farnborough. Described as physically fit, suntanned, with a smooth boyish face that seems as if it only needs a razor on Saturday night. Ammar, disguised as Collins, slips up and calls Parker by his first name, something the real Collins would never do.


    Partido Revolucionado donal. Also known as PRI, the political party that dominates Mexican politics.


    Patton, Vic. Green's supervisor at the National Security Agency.


    Pharos of Alexandria. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. A famed lighthouse that once stood a towering 135 meters. Near where Topiltzin meets Yazid.


    Pilum. A two-meter throwing and thrusting sword. Weapon used by the centurions.


    Pliny. A celebrated Roman of the first century A.D. who wrote the world's first encyclopedia while with the Alexandria Library.


    Polar Explorer. A sturdy new vessel especially designed for sailing through ice-covered waters. The massive boxlike superstructure towering above the hull resembles a five-story office building, and her great bow, pushed by her 80,000-horsepower engines, can pound a path through ice up to one and a half meters thick. Based in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.


    President of the United States. Described as having silver hair and liquid gray eyes. He is tall, weighs two hundred pounds and has a bone-crushing grip.


    Ptolemy. One of Alexander the Great's generals. After Alexander's death, his empire was divided by his generals. Ptolemy took Egypt and became a king. He also managed to get Alexander's corpse and encase it in a gold-and-crystal coffin which he enshrined in a mausoleum. Around the mausoleum, he built a city which became Alexandria. Ptolemy started the Alexandria Library.


    Punta Arenas. The southernmost large city in the world, on the Brunswick Peninsula in Chile. The Special Operations Force bases its operations there.


    Punta del Este. Coastal city in Uruguay. Location of an international economic summit meeting.


    Pythens. Famous Greek navigator who made an epic voyage in 350 B.C. The legends say he sailed north and eventually reached Iceland.


    Qaddafi, President Muammar. President of Libya. Mentioned by Brogan when talking to the president. Here we catch Clive predicting the future incorrectly: the president mentions to Brogan that Qaddafi died of cancer. As of this writing, he's still alive.


    Quetzalcoad. Five-step pyramid in the Toltec city of Tula. Site where Rivas is sacrificed. Named for one of the Aztecs' revered gods.


    Redfern, Dr. Mel. A tall man with blond hair that has receded into a widow's peak. Wears designer glasses. Has blue-gray eyes. Still reasonably trim for a man of forty but has a slight paunch. A former college basket 333 ball star who passed on playing in the pros to earn his doctorate in anthropology. One of the world's leading experts in classical marine archaeology. While analyzing the tablets Pitt had removed from the Serapis, Redfern finds the reason for the voyage: to hide the Library of Alexandria.


    Rio Grande. The river that divides Mexico and the United States and forms the Texas-Mexico border. Known as Rio Bravo in Spanish.


    Rivas, Guy. Special representative for the president of the United States. Picked because he speaks Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs. His family immigrated to America from the Mexican town of Escampo, where he was taught Nahuatl at a very early age. Married, he has four children. After being sent to meet with Topiltzin, his heart is removed with an obsidian knife, and he is skinned.


    Rivera, Victor. Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies in Uruguay. Owned the Lola, named for his wife, which the Lady Flamborough rammed and sank.


    Rojas, Colonel Jose. Uraguayan chief coordinator for special security. Trained with the British Grenadier Guards.


    Roma, Texas. Town near the site where the Alexandria Library was buried. On seven hills like its namesake in Italy. Viva Zapata, a Marion Brando movie, was filmed in Roma.


    Rooney, Teri. An actress who is asked to be a double for Kamil.


    Rothberg, Dr. Bertram. A professor of classical history at the University of Colorado. Rothberg has made the study of the Alexandria Library his life's work. Described as having a jolly smile beneath a splendid gray beard. Has sparkling blue eyes and a swirling mass of gray hair.


    ROV. Stands for Remote Operated Vehicle. A tethered underwater viewing system.


    Rubin, Gary. Chief steward on Nebula Flight 106. Takes over the controls after Ammar parachutes out the hatch. One of three survivors of the crash.


    Rufinus, Cuccins. Captain of the Serapis. Employed by Nicias, a Greek shipping merchant from the port city of Rhodes. Has a daughter named Hypatia who travels with him on his voyage to bury the Alexandria Library.


    Ruger P-85. American-made semiautomatic 9-millimeter handgun that Ammar uses to shoot Pitt in the back.


    Sadat, President Anwar. Former president of Egypt who was assassinated, mentioned by Kamil on page 237.


    Salazar, Miguel. Mexico's director of foreign financing.


    Sam Trinity Sand and Gravel Company. Front for the actual excavations of the Alexandria Library being carried out by Sharp.


    Santa Inez Island. Island in Chile that has glaciers. Spot where Pitt concludes the Lady Flamborough is hidden. Described as sixty-five kilometers wide by ninety-five kilometers in length. The highest point is Mount Wharton at thirteen hundred twenty meters.


    Sarapis. The Roman ship found by Pitt near Gronquist Bay Village. Thought to be from the fourth century. Pitt dives through the ice in a dry suit using surface-supplied air and examines the wreck. Pitt finds the wreck has no stern rudder and a lead-sheathed bottom. Asked to examine the stern post, Pitt finds a hardwood plaque with the Greek letters spelling Serapis and a face with curly hair and a heavy beard. Graham explains that the letters are not Classical but Eastern Greek and that it is the name of a Greek Egyptian god. Pitt enters the hull and finds the galley in order but no bodies inside. Roaming through the ship, he examines the cargo hold and finds the crew, eight in all, perfectly preserved and crowded around an iron stove. Pitt theorizes they were killed by a buildup of carbon monoxide. After the ship is excavated from the ice, it is measured at just under twenty meters in length with a beam of seven meters.


    Schiller, Julius. U.S. undersecretary for political affairs. Owns a beautiful thirty-five-meter motorsailer where poker games and politics occur with Soviet politicians. Married, he has a house in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Holds a clandestine meeting with Kamil at Senator Pitt's ski chalet in Breckenridge.


    Severus, Doniitius. The Roman centurion who runs the infantry unit that provides protection for Venator. Has 336 the muscled arms of a soldier. Trained for the sword and the shield. Described as merciless, a savage. The personal symbol of the military detachment he leads is Taurus the Bull atop a lance. A Spaniard. Severus had volunteered for the Roman Legion when he was sixteen. He advanced from common soldier, winning several decorations for bravery in battles with the Goths along the Danube and the Franks along the Rhine. Fought against the Britons. Retired and became a mercenary. The last man to fall when the barbarians attack Venator's group.


    Shark. Code name for Holus in the assault on the Lady Flamborough.


    Sharp, Lily. A professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado. Finds the Roman coin while excavating at the site near Ardencaple Fjord. Injured when Gronquist crashes one of the rescue snowmobiles into a severed wing from Nebula Flight 106. Saved by Pitt. She later shows up at Pitt's home dressed seductively. Pitt takes her into the bedroom and has sex with her. In the car chase with Ismail, she receives a bruised left cheek and a black eye on the right side.


    Shaw, Elmer. Assistant secretary of the Navy.


    Sherlock. A robot submersible operated from the Polar Explorer. Has two movie cameras and one still camera. Used to photograph the Alfa-class submarine located by Pitt.


    Shiite. Sect of the Muslim religion most Iranians belong to. Said to be more bloody and revolutionary than the Sunni sect.


    Simon, Lieutenant Cork. The leader of the Polar Explorer's damage-control experts. Sent to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106. Described as stocky.


    Situation Room. Area in the White House where the president views all the assembled intelligence data and plans the recovery of the Lady Flamborough.


    Slade, Lieutenant Colonel James. Air Force pilot of the SR-90 Casper who photographs Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego. Home base is in the Mojave Desert.


    Sounder. NUMA research vessel assigned to a sonar mapping project of the continental slope off southern Brazil. The vessel's sonar gear can cut a swath two miles wide, and she carries a submersible. Pitt requests the ship to search for the Lady Flamborougk Launched at a Boston shipyard in 1961, the vessel spent three decades chartering out to oceanographic schools. Purchased by NUMA in 1990, she was completely overhauled and refitted. Her new 4,000-horsepower diesel engine was designed to push Sounder at a speed of fourteen knots. Stewart and the engineers managed to reach seventeen knots. Has twin cycloidal propellers, one forward, one aft. Arrives at Santa Inez Island and tows the Lady Flamborough away from the glacier.


    Soviet Alfa submarine. A nuclear-powered, titanium-hull, nonmagnetic and noncorrosive Soviet submarine with the latest in silent-propeller technology. Said to be the deepest-diving and fastest submarines in either the U.S. or Soviet navy. Holds one hundred fifty men. Sherlock shows a gash down her side as if she tore her side out on a jagged edge of the crater she lies inside. What Pitt and Giordino on board the Polar Explorer are seeking. They have just found it when Nebula Flight 106 passes overhead.


    Special Operations Force. U.S. military service integrated elite force. In the fall of 1989, the Army's Delta Force and its secret aviation unit named Task Force 160 were merged with the Navy's SEAL Team Six and the Air Force's Special Operations Wing. These soldiers are heavily trained in guerrilla tactics, parachuting, wilderness survival and scuba diving, with a special emphasis on storming buildings, ship and aircraft for rescue missions.


    SR-90 Casper. Top-secret U.S. Air Force reconnaissance aircraft capable of reaching Mach 5 or just under five thousand kilometers an hour. The closest SR-90 to South America is based at an airfield in Texas. The president wants pictures of the Lady Flamborough and is told it will take five hours for the flight over and photographic development. The SR90's fuselage is made of an incredibly tough, lightweight plastic skin that was tinted gray-white. Nicknamed Casper after the friendly comic-book ghost.


    Stealth parachute. Special nondetectable parachute used by the Demon Stalkers.


    Stewart, Frank. Captain of the Sounder. Described as narrow-shouldered, with slicked-down long, burnt toast-brown hair. Looks like a small-town feed-store merchant and scoutmaster. A seasoned seaman, he can swim but refuses to learn how to dive.


    Tehnuk, Ibn. Ammar's servant and friend. Described as a swarthy type with a curly mass of ebony hair. He is present when Ammar parachutes from Nebula Flight 106. Later helps Anunar hijack the Lady Farnborough. After the shoot-out with Pitt, he helps Anunar escape Santa Inez Island and make his way back to Egypt. Later tries to kill Pitt in Roma with a pistolized shotgun, but Pitt cuts off his fingers with a Roman sword. Seconds later, he is blown to bits in the C-6 explosion.


    Temple of the Magician. Pyramid temple in Uxmal where Topiltzin gives a speech.


    Teotibuacan. Site of ancient pyramids, where Topiltzin preaches.


    Terra-cotta amphora. Pitt sees an amphora on the sea bottom near the Soviet Alfa-class submarine. The Greeks and Romans used amphoras to transport wine and olive oil.


    Texas A&M. University in Texas that translates the stone tablet Trinity finds. The tablet is from Venator and describes the location of the Alexandria Library.


    Tezeatfipoen. One of the Aztecs' revered gods.


    Theodosius. Emperor who orders the Alexandria Library destroyed. Venator instead leads a group that hides the library in a series of caves. Died in 395.


    Theopolos. The patriarch of Alexandria who, along with Theodosius, ordered the Alexandria Library deStToyed. Bishop of Alexandria.


    Thompson submachine gun. Weapon of choice for Pitt on Santa Inez Island. Uses round drums that holds fifty .45-caliber shells.


    Thule Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in Greenland that sends help to the site where Nebula Flight 106 crashes.


    Tiber. Once-glorious city in the Roman Empire. Now a slum. Mentioned by Sevenis when talking to Venator.


    Tierra del Fuego. Tip of Argentina cut off from the rest of the country by the Straits of Magellan.


    Topiltzin. Described by Senator Pitt as a Benito Juarez/Emilio Zapata messiah who preaches a return to a religious state based on Aztec culture. Described as short, with long hair he ties at the base. Has a smooth, oval face that suggests Indian ancestry. Has dark eyes. Rivas describes him as not looking a year over thirty. Wants to take over Mexico and rename the country Tenochtitlan, its Aztec name. Nahuatl will be the official language. Population will be brought under control, foreign industry will become property of the state and only native-born people will be allowed to live in the country. No more goods will be bought from the United States, and no oil will be sold to the United States. Topiltzin also wants the return of California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. In actuality, he is Robert Capesterre and brother of Paul, who is acting as Yazid. Killed by Pitt in the excavation on Gongora Hill.


    Trinity, Sam. Resident of Roma and proprietor of Sam's Roman Circus, a convenience store, gas station 341 and Roman artifact museum. Has white hair and a dark calfskin-colored face. Very tall, skinny as a fence post, arms slender, shoulders narrow, but with a voice that has vigor and resonance. Loves to golf and dig for artifacts. Owns the twelve hundred acres of land surrounding where the Alexandria Library is buried. The land has been in his family since Texas was a republic. Is paid a tax-free ten million for the Alexandria Library by the U.S. government and takes off on a tour to play the top one hundred golf courses in the world.


    TRIVMFATOR. Inscription on the coin found by Sharp.


    Tula. Site of ancient pyramids where Topiltzin preaches. Unde Tleodore's boat. One of the Capesterre uncles' yachts. Forty-five meters in length, the vessel is Dutch built with aircraft-style lines. The vessel has transoceanic range and a cruising speed of thirty knots. Site of the meeting between Topiltzin and Yazid.


    UNESCO. Acronym standing for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.


    University of Colorado. University located in Boulder, Colorado. Institution sponsoring the archaeological excavation near Ardencaple Fjord. The archaeologists find that the site contains proof that a band of hunters inhabited it nearly two thousand years ago. Radiocarbon dating on the excavated relics indicates the site was occupied from A.D. 200 to A.D. 400.


    Vazquez, Lieutenant Eduardo. Works under Rojas's command.


    Venator, Julius. Approaching his fifty-seventh year, with a gray, lined face, sunken cheeks and the tired, dragging steps that reflect the weariness of a man who has no more heart for life. A Greek wise man. In charge of the group that hides the Alexandria Library. Has a wife and daughter awaiting his return at the family villa in Antioch. Assembles a fleet of sixteen ships including the Serapis to carry the contents of the library. Described by Rothberg as the leading intellectual of his time. A renowned scholar and teacher who was hired away from one of the great learning centers of Athens to become the last of the Alexander Library's curators. Wrote more than one hundred books of political and social commentary. When the barbarians attack his soldiers and kill them, Venator attempts to swim out to the Serapis but is unsuccessful. He later describes what happens on the stone tablet found by Trinity. After escaping the barbarians, he made his way south, where he was taken in by a primitive pyramid people. Seven years later, he returned to Roma, then sailed for the Mediterranean but was never heard from again.


    Vyhousky, Yuri. The Soviet Embassy's special advisor on American affairs.


    Webster, Henry. Doctor aboard the Lady Flamborough who treats Pitt after the gunfight at the ore crushing building. Described as a little bald-headed man.


    Wismer, Harold. Present at the meeting at Lake of the Ozarks. An old crony and advisor to the president. Wears rirffless glasses with pink lenses. A snarled beard almost hides his thin lips. Described as bald as a basketball. Has brown eyes.


    Yazid, Akhmad. Leader of the fanatical mullahs who seek to overthrow the Egyptian government. An Islamic law scholar. Orders the murder of Kamil by destroying Nebula Flight 106. Fashions himself as a Muslim Gandhi. Described as young, no more than thirty-five. A small man whose face does not have the precise features of most Egyptians, the chin and cheekbones softer, more rounded. His eyes seem to shift in color from black to dark brown. Claims to have spent his first thirty years in the Sinai Desert talking to Allah. Claims to have been born in squalid poverty in a mud hut near the City of the Dead in the garbage dumps of Cairo. Claims his father and two sisters died from disease brought on by fflthy living conditions. Claims his only formal schooling is what he received from Islamic holy men and also claims the Prophet Muhannnad speaks through him. Linked to terrorism that includes the murder of a high-ranking Air Force general, a truck explosion outside the Soviet Embassy and the execution-style killing of four university professors who spoke out in favor of Western ways. In actuality, he is Paul Capesteffe and brother of Topiltzin (Robert Capesteffe). Killed with a carbon-composite knife by Ammar at his house in Egypt.


    Yazid's house. Located twenty kilometers from Alexandria, the small villa squats on a low hill overlooking a wide sandy beach. Has an ornate doorway for honored guests and a small side door used by those who work for Yazid.


    Ybarra, Eduardo. A member of the Mexican delegation on Nebula Flight 106. Once served as a mechanic in the Mexican Air Force. Described as having a round and brown face. His hair is thick and black with traces of gray. Has brown eyes. Helps Rubin in the cockpit of Nebula Flight 106 after Ammar parachutes out over Iceland. Killed in the crash of Nebula Flight 106. Is a suspect in the poisoning of the passengers because he didn't eat the in-flight meal, claiming to have an upset stomach. Later, the flight attendant notices him eating a sandwich taken from his briefcase.





    Acosta, Rico. A mining engineer attached to the Philippine security force looking for Yamashita's Gold. Described as tall for a Filipino, with eyes that indicate more than a trace of Chinese ancestry. His grandfather was in the 57th Philippine Scouts, captured by the Japanese and imprisoned at Fort Santiago. The grandfather never returned.


    Ajima Island. Island in Japan that was later renamed Soseki Island. Location of the Dragon Center. About sixty kilometers off the coast due east of Edo City.


    Akagi spy satellite. Japanese spy satellite.


    Andersson, Olaf. The assistant chief engineer of the Narvik. Goes with the boarding party to the Divine Star.


    Arizona. Code name for the operation to have Pitt place an atomic bomb on the fault line and wipe out Soseki Island.


    Arnold, Lieutenant Joseph. Navigator on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka.


    Asakusa. An area northeast of Tokyo in a section known as Shitamachi. Part of the old city of Tokyo.


    Atomic bomb. The one carried by Dennings' Demons is described as a gigantic overinflated football with nonsensical boxed fins on one end. The round ballistic casing was painted a light gray, and the clamps that hold the bomb together around the middle look like a huge zipper.


    Avanti. Automobile produced by Studebaker and later other companies. Car used by Fox and Weatherhill when in Las Vegas.


    Beanbag gun. A spring-powered piston tube with a wide-diameter barrel used to shoot the hedgehog. Used by Fox and Weatherhill as they break into the underground parking garage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel.


    Big Ben. The DSMV, a later version than Big John, that Pitt uses to drive the atomic bomb from Dennings' Demons to the fault line to eradicate Soseki Island. Weighs thirty-five tons. The top speed has been increased over Big John's.


    Big John. The DSMV Pitt is driving when he rescues the crew of Old Gert. Big John has tractor treads that can propel it at five kilometers an hour. On the front are a grappler and a scoop. The pilot sits behind a clear bubble shield. It is powered by a small nuclear reactor. Weight is fifteen tons. After Pitt drives Big John to Conrow Guyot, he is met by Giordino and Sandecker in a submersible. Giordino cuts off parts of Big John with an arc torch to allow it to rise to the surface. When the ascent begins to slow, Giordino grabs Big John with an arm from the submersible and pushes it to within ninety meters from the surface before the submersible begins to falter. There Pitt and Plunkett escape from Big John and swim to the surface, and Big John sinks again to the bottom.


    Black Horse. Code name used by Frick's team.


    Black Sky. Criminal organization that dominated Japan after the turn of the century. Korori Yoshishu and Koda Suma, father of Hideki, were members.


    Black smokers. Oddly sculpted vents on the sea floor that emit 365-degree-Celsius clouds of black steam underwater. Pitt and Plunkett pass one on the way to Conrow Guyot. Around the vents are tube worms, white mussels and varieties of clams Plunkett has never seen before. They survive on bacteria that converts hydrogen sulfide and oxygen overflow from the vents into organic nutrients.


    Blood Red Brotherhood. Japanese terrorist society described as fanatical butchers. A few are Japanese, but most are East Germans trained by the KGB. Tsuboi wants them to kidnap Smith and Diaz.


    Blue Horse. Code name for the team that recovers a bomb car in New Jersey.


    Bock's Car. Name of the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb named Fat Boy on Nagasaki. Piloted by Major Charles Sweeney.


    Brogan, Martin. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.


    Byrnes, Commander Hank. Weapons engineer on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka. Is tasked with monitoring the atomic bomb. The only U.S. Navy officer aboard the plane.


    Building C. Part of the National Security Agency at Fort Meade, Maryland. Location where Ingram studies pictures of the ocean bottom and locates Dennings' Demons.


    Buson. Japanese poet who once wrote, "With his hat blown off/the stiff-necked scarecrow/stands there quite discomfited." Quoted by Suma on page 404.


    C-8. Plastic explosive used by Mancuso at Soseki Island.


    CAD/CAM. An acronym for Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing. Yaeger uses the system to help Pitt and Nash discover atomic bombs are being smuggled into different countries in the Murrnoto's air conditioners.


    Cain, Edward. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comes ashore. Married to Moira.


    Central Command. Main base of operations for the MAIT. Housed in the Federal Headquarters Building.


    Clausen, August. Farmer in Germany whose tractor falls into the underground cavern containing German jet fighters and expensive artwork. Lives near Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany. Described as a big, hearty man just past seventy-four. Has a wife and two daughters. Fought in World War II in the Panzer brigade.


    Congressional Country Club. Where the president is playing golf when Jordan briefs him about the progress on Soseki Island.


    Conrow Guyot.. A seamount near Soggy Acres with a smooth summit that Pitt heads for in Big John. The sea floor rises up, and it is only three hundred ten meters to the surface.


    Corregidor Island. Island at the mouth of Manila Bay in the Philippines. Where Mancuso believes Yamashita's Gold is buried. Corregidor was the location of General MacArthur's headquarters before he evacuated to Australia.


    CPDA-1 red blood cell bags. What Pitt steals from the hospital on the fourth floor of Soseki Island. Uses the bags to drain his own blood. Later uses the blood to fool Katamori that he was killed.


    Deep Quest. NUMA submersible that is sitting on the dock in Los Angeles Harbor. Sandecker wants to have the twelve-metric-ton Deep Quest air-dropped from a U.S. Air Force C-5.


    Deerfield, Dr. Harry. Doctor who cares for Knox aboard Shanghai Shelly. Described as having graying bald hair and a warm twinkle in his eyes.


    DEFCOM. Level of nuclear preparedness. DEFCOM One is a launch.


    Delta One. The U.S. military team that is scheduled to remove the MAIT team from Soseki Island when they signal.


    Delta watch. Special watch that beeps to alert the wearer that a coded message has been received. Labeled a Raytech so it looks ordinary. Jordan wears one.


    DeLuca, Lieutenant David. The navigational officer on board Tucson.


    Dennings, Major Charles. Pilot of the B-29 that takes off from Shemya Island bound for Osaka. Spent two years as one of the top bomber pilots in Europe, with more than forty missions to his credit. His plane and crew perish when they are shot down by a Japanese Zero and the B-29 bursts into flames.


    Dennings' Demons. Boeing B-29 carrying the atomic weapon bound for Osaka. At takeoff, the plane is fully loaded at sixty-eight tons with her tanks filled to capacity with more than seven thousand gallons of fuel. With the forward bomb bay holding the six-ton atomic bomb and carrying a crew of twelve, the plane is seventeen thousand pounds overweight. It is powered by four 3,350-cubic-inch Wright Cyclone engines. The engines' combined power is 8,800 horsepower, and they spin sixteen-point-five-foot propellers. The fuselage is ninety feet long and made out of polished aluminum. The wings are one hundred forty-one feet, and the rear stabilizer is three stories tall. The insignia is a devil clutching a pitchfork in his right hand, a bomb in his left, with his feet clutching gold bars labeled "24K," a reference to the crew calling themselves goldbrickers after they are reprimanded for tearing up a beer hall in California.


    Diaz, Senator Mike. U.S. senator who advocates stern measures against Japan. A widower in his late forties, his wife died of diabetes shortly after he was elected to his first term. Lives full-time in his office in Washington, D.C. No children. Was an army helicopter pilot in Vietnam who was shot down and wounded in the knee. Spent two years as a POW, but his jailers never properly attended to his wound, so he walks with a limp and the aid of a cane. Attended the University of New Mexico and became a lawyer. Hair is pure black and swept back in a high pompadour. His face is round and brown with dark umber eyes and a mouth that flashes perfect white teeth. Kidnapped by Suma's men from his fishing lodge and taken to Soseki Island. later rescued by Pitt and group.


    Divine Lake. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that is five days out of Los Angeles.


    Divine Moon. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that off-loads in Boston.


    Divine Sky. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that is scheduled to dock in New Orleans within eighteen hours. Suma orders the vessel to divert to Jamaica.


    Divine Star. Huge Japanese auto carrier. Her upper works stretch from blunt bow to a perfectly squared stern. The ship has five decks and a huge, completely automated wheelhouse. Seven hundred feet in length, it was delivered March 16, 1988. Owned and operated by Sushimo Steamship Company Limited. Her home port is Kobe, Japan. When found by the boarding party from the Narvik, she's loaded with 7,288 Murmoto automobiles due to be delivered in Los Angeles. Blown to bits when one of the boarding party from the Narvik shoots a bullet into the atomic bomb in a Murmoto.


    Divine Water. Japanese cargo ship containing Murmoto automobiles that is off-loading in Los Angeles.


    Dragon Center. What the detonation center for the Kaiten Project is called.


    DSMV. Acronym for Deep Sea Mining Vehicle. Also known as Big John.


    Edo City. Set in a landscaped park and covered by a huge solar plastic dome, Edo City was named after the city renamed Tokyo. Designed and built by Suma, Edo City is a scientific research and think-tank Community that supports sixty thousand people. Shaped like a giant cylinder around an atrium, the twenty story circular complex contains living quarters for the scientific community, offices, public baths, convention halls, restaurants, a shopping mall, library and its own thousand-member security force. Smaller underground cylinders connected by tunnels to the main core hold the communications equipment, heating and cooling systems, temperature and humidity controls, electrical power plants and waste-processing machinery. The elaborate structures are constructed of ceramic concrete and reach fifteen hundred meters deep in the volcanic rock.


    Enola Gay. The plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. As Dennings' Demons is settling onto the sea floor after being shot down, Enola Gay is just lifting off.


    Enshu, Ashikaga. An investigator and art dealer who specializes in hunting down rare paintings. Described as having a perfect mane of silver hair, heavy eyebrows and a full mustache. Is actually a disguised Hanamura. When he goes to Suma's office to sell him a painting, he bugs the office.


    Epee. Discipline in fencing.


    Fat Boy. Code name of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.


    Fazio, Lieutenant. Commander Ken. Executive officer on board the Tucson.


    Federal Headquarters Building. On Constitution Avenue in Washington, is a shabby-appearing six story building. It looks to be in disrepair, but that is a facade created to ensure secrecy. After taking the elevator up, Pitt and his group enter a giant gleaming control center manned by U.S. intelligence agents.


    Five-oh-ninth Bomber Squadron. Squadron to which the Enola Gay belonged.


    Foil. Discipline in fencing.


    Ford Club Coupe. Pitt's maroon 1947 model was the first car in his collection.


    Ford's Theater. Where President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. In Washington, D.C.between E and F streets on Tenth. Where Meeker briefs Jordan that they are certain that the Divine Star blew up in an atomic explosion.


    Foster, Brian. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comes ashore. Married to Shelly.


    Fox, Stacy. Camera woman aboard Old Gert. Pretty, with long, straight blond hair that falls around her face. Looks younger than her thirty-four years. Her eyebrows are thick and her eyes wide apart, her irises a soft green color. Her lips sit above a determined chin and are almost always parted in a bright, eventoothed smile. Once a California beach girl, she majored in photographic arts at Chouinard Institute in Los Angeles. Twice married and twice divorced, with one daughter who lives with her sister. Is actually a covert U.S. intelligence agent working for the National Security Agency. After she arrives at Pitt's home and gives him a massage, they make love. Later, she breaks into the underground parking garage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel and disarms one of the bombs in a Murmoto. She later enters Soseki Island and is captured. A judo expert. Rescued by Pitt. After Pitt is believed dead, she has lunch with Smith.


    Frick, Bill. Special agent with the FBI. Leads the group that storms the vault at the Pacific Paradise Hotel.


    FSX fighter jets. Jets used by Japan's Self-Defense Forces. Built by a partnership of McDonnell Douglas and Mitsubishi.


    Furukawa, George. Suma's agent in the southwestern United States. Vice president of the Samuel J. Vincent Laboratories. Known in intelligence circles as a sleeper. His family immigrated to the United States after World War II. Raised to be a leader of American business with help from mysterious funds wired from Japan. Received a Ph.D. in aerodynamic physics. Recruited for the Kaiten Project by Suma in Hawaii.


    Gaijin. Japanese term for foreigners. Means outside person.


    Gailand, Adolf. One of the leading German aces in World War II. Said of the Messerschmitt 262, "It flew as though the angels were pushing."


    Gentle Giant. The Lockheed C-5 that drops Big Ben with Pitt inside into the ocean near Dennings' Demons. Specially modified for aerial drops. Hit by a Toshiba surface-to-air missile, it lands at Naha Airfield on Okinawa.


    Giordino, Alfred. What Kamatori calls Albert when he first meets Smith.


    Glomar Explorer. Famous deep-sea recovery vessel constructed by Howard Hughes for the Central Intelligence Agency.


    Golanov, NickoW. Soviet counterpart to Jordan. Title is Director of Foreign and State Security for the Politburo.


    Golden Dragons. A Japanese secret society begun after World War II.


    Gray Horse. Code name for the team that recovers a bomb car in Minnesota.


    Great Karnac. The latest in underwater visual technology. The Tucson is the first submarine to have the system. Kamac was developed by NUMA.


    Groves, General Leslie. General in charge of the Manhattan Bomb Project.


    Haider, Gert. German minister of historic works. Rewards Pitt for finding the missing artwork by giving him a Messerschmitt.


    Hanamura, James. MAIT member of Team Honda and CIA field agent. Assigned to the internal Japan investigation. Lives in Redondo Beach, California, and drives a new Corvette. On the trail of the Kaiten Project, he impersonates an engineer to gain access to Edo City. Finds the blueprints that show the underground tunnel. Chased by guards, he races in his car over back roads to Tokyo. Hands the blueprints to a truck driver to deliver because he is shot and bleeding. When captured by Kamatori, he bites a poison capsule. Later beheaded by Kamatori and his head mounted on the wall in the study at Soseki Island.


    Harper, Commander Wendell. Captain of the Ralph R. Bennett. Described as tall and beefy with a solid paunch.


    Harris, Keith. NUMA project seismologist at Soggy Acres. Has a gray beard that matches his hair. Explains to Pitt that the explosion triggered the fault line near Soggy Acres and they need to evacuate.


    Hatchet fish. Silver with deep bodies that flatten on the sides. Have slender tails and rows of light organs that flash along their lower stomachs. Their eyes are disproportionately large and protrude from tubes that rise upward.


    Hauser, Lieutenant Commander Sam. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander who works for the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory. Is on board the Tucson to measure the radioactivity from the atomic bomb explosion on the Divine Star.


    Hedgehog. Nickname for a pulley device that attaches to the side of ductwork and used for covert entry to buildings. Used by Fox and Weatherhill when they break into the underground parking garage at the Pacific Paradise Hotel.


    Henrico County Sheriff's Department. Helicopter with Giordino aboard that assists Pitt and Mancuso in chasing the limousine they think Smith is aboard.


    Iilispano-Suiza. A red 1926 drop-head cabriolet manufactured in Paris. Has an eight-liter six-cylinder engine. Features a flying stork radiator ornament. Car driven by Cussler in the race against Pitt in Richmond.


    Hokkaido. One of the four main islands of Japan.


    Honshu. One of the four main islands of Japan.


    Hutcheson, Francis. A Scot philosopher quoted by Pitt on page 191: "Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best ends by the best means." Or the more common bastardization: "The end justifies the means."


    Ibis X-Twenty. Ultralight power gliders that look like pint sized Stealth bombers. They have a dark gray paint job and the same Buck Rodgers shape as Stealth bombers. Designed for one-man reconnaissance flights, they feature the latest in compact turbine engines that provide a three hundred-kilometer cruising speed with a range of one hundred twenty kilometers. Pitt and Giordino fly them from the Ralph R. Bennett to a crash landing on Soseki Island.


    Ingram, Clyde. The director of science and technical data interpretation for the National Security Agency at Fort Meade.


    Invincible. The British research vessel that is connected to Old Gert.


    ltakurs, Admiral. Japanese admiral assigned to the Japanese embassy in Washington, D.C.


    Italian dueling saber. Weapon used by Pitt to defeat Katamori. A nineteenth-century sword with a ninety centimeter blade.


    Jordan, Raymond. Director of central intelligence and head of the National Security Service. Reports directly to the president. Has a photographic memory and speaks seven languages. Described as medium in height, late fifties, with a healthy head of silver-gray hair. He has a solid frame with a slight paunch and kindly, oak-brown eyes. Married for thirty-seven years, he has twin daughters who are in college. Consumes Maalox as if it were popcorn.


    Junshiro, Prime Minister Ueda. Prime minister of Japan. Described as having short-trimmed white hair and defiant brown eyes. The president orders him to resign after the Kaiten Project.


    Kaiser, Sonar Man First Class Richard. U.S. Navy sonar man assigned to the Tucson. Hears "Minnie the Mermaid" playing from Big John's underwater speaker.


    Kaiten Project. Suma's plan for Japanese domination of the world. One hundred thirty atomic warheads are placed in fifteen countries. Translated, means "a change of sky," but in Japanese it has a broader meaning: "a new day is coming, a great shift in events."


    Kamatori, Moro. Suma's oldest friend and his chief aide. Meticulous and devious, he manages Suma's secretive projects. Has a stolid, resolute face flanked by oversized ears. Has heavy black brows and dark lifeless eyes that look through thick-lensed rimless glasses. He is a man without emotions or convictions whose greatest talent is hunting human game. Over the course of twenty-five years, he has killed two hundred thirty-seven people. His father was a fencing master at a university in Japan. Hobby is hunting people. After he decides to hunt Pitt but is eluded, Pitt returns and engages him in a sword fight. Pitt severs his hand, then pins him by his groin to the wall in the study on Soseki Island and kills him.


    Kami. A Shinto word meaning "the way of divine power through various gods."


    Kano, Daisetz. Top-level robotic engineer who works on Soseki Island.


    Kappabashi. Street near the Tawaramachi subway station.


    Kataginu. An Edo-period silk brocade sleeveless hunting jacket worn by Katamori when he hunts Pitt.


    Katana. Japanese ceremonial sword.


    Kawanunai Tours. Painted on the side of a small bus that picks up the crews from Soggy Acres and Old Gert after they are helicoptered to Hawaii.


    Keegan, Dan. Wyoming rancher who dies when one of the Kaiten Project's atomic bombs is set off with a rifle shot. Married.


    Kenjutsu. Japanese sword sport.


    Kern, Donald. Jordan's deputy director of operations. Bony-thin, small and lean. Has intensely cool bluegreen eyes that seem to reach into everyone's inner thoughts.


    Kiai. Method of concentration used by Japanese sword masters. An inner force or power attributed to accomplishing miracles, especially among the samurai class.


    Knox, Jimmie. Old Gert's surface controller. Described as a jolly Scot. When the Invincible begins to sink, he leaps from the deck and grabs a piece of wood. Later picked up by the Shanghai Shelly. Dies from a super lethal dose of radiation before he can explain what happened.


    Koror. Island in the Palau Republic chain that will house the U.S. intelligence information-gathering and collection point for the MAIT. The person in charge is Penner.


    Korvold, Captain Arne. Captain of the Norwegian Rindal Lines passenger-cargo liner Narvik. Norwegian by birth, he is described as a short, distinguished man who never makes a hurried gesture. His ice-blue eyes seldom blink, and the lips beneath his short, graying, trimmed beard seem constantly frozen in a slight smile. Has spent twenty-six years at sea, mostly on cruise ships. Killed when the Divine Star blows up in the atomic blast.


    Koyams, Masuji. Suma's expert technician in defense detection.


    Kudan Hill. Hill in the middle of Tokyo atop which Yasukuni sits.


    Kudo, Toshie. Suma's secretary. Much taller than her native sisters. Willowy, with long legs, jet-black hair falling to her waist and flawless skin enhanced by magical coffee-brown eyes. Boasts an IQ bordering on 165. The daughter of a poor fisherman and the fourth of eight children. Was a skinny, unattractive child until she blossomed. Suma noticed her fishing and bought her from her father. In time, she has grown to enjoy her role as Suma's secretary and mistress. Speaks English, French, Spanish, German and Russian. Removed from Soseki Island by Pitt and the group, she is later remanded into Giordino's custody.


    Kurojima, Takeda. Chief director of the Dragon Center. The technical brain who headed the Kaiten Project from start to finish.


    Kyoto. City in Japan that is the backup target for the atomic bomb carried by Dennings' Demons.


    Kyushu. One of the four main islands of Japan.


    Lange, Chancellor. Chancellor of Germany.


    Langley Field. Airstrip near the headquarters of the CIA where the jet carrying Smith, Diaz, Suma and Toshie lands.


    Liquid-metal fast breeder. Type of nuclear reactor in Japan. Along with power, it also produces plutonium and converts lithium into tritium, both essential ingredients for thermonuclear weapons.


    Lockheed C-5 Cargo. The largest cargo plane in the world. Built by the Lockheed Corporation. Maximum cruise speed four hundred sixty knots.


    Lovin' Lilly. B-29 that was in the air flying toward Japan when Bock's Car dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki.


    Lowden, David. Chief vehicle engineer at Soggy Acres. Has a pretty wife and three kids. Wears rimless glasses. Pilots one of the submersibles to the surface.


    Magiev. Short for magnetic kvitation. Perfected by the Japanese and used to move trains and such. Works on the principle of repulsion between magnets.


    MAIT. An acronym standing for Multi-Agency Investigative Team. A MAIT is assembled in the Federal Headquarters Building to combat the Kaiten Project.


    Mancuso, Frank. U.S. government intelligence officer working with Philippine intelligence in an attempt to locate Yamashita's Gold. Described as forty-two with the long-limbed, thin body of a basketball player. Has brown hair and a soft, round, Germanic face. Has blue eyes. Smokes a pipe. Graduated from the Colorado' School of Mines and spent his early years prospecting and working mines in search of precious gems such as opals in Australia, emeralds in Colombia and rubies in Tanzania. He also did a fruitless three-year hunt on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido for the rarest of rare gems, Red Painite. Shortly before he reached thirty, he was courted by an obscure Washington intelligence agency and appointed a special agent under contract. Once inside the tunnel on Corregidor, Mancuso finds a number of trucks and a small auto house trailer made of aluminum. That convinces him that the Japanese returned for Yamashita's Gold. When he meets Pitt at the Federal Headquarters Building, he is described as a thin older man with shoulder-length hair. Enters Soseki Island but is taken prisoner. Freed by Pitt, he returns to the United States.


    Manganese nodules. Black and round-shaped like cannonballs. They are littering the bottom of the ocean in a thick layer where Old Gert lands. A swath is cut through the field of nodules in a straight line like a vacuum cleaner would make. The swath is where Pitt and crew used Big John for underwater mining.


    Manhattan Project. The code name for the project based in Los Alamos, New Mexico, that resulted in the atomic bomb.


    Marcos, Ferdinand. Former leader of the Philippines who found several hundred tons of Yamashita's Gold.


    Marcus Island. Island 1,125 kilometers southeast of Japan. Turned into a resort by a Japanese developer. Location where Pitt drives Big Ben ashore.


    Marmon. Famous American automobile. A 1931 Marmon V-16 town car is at the race in Richmond. Pitt has a Marmon in his collection.


    Manser bolt-action. Type of rifle carried by Keegan.


    McCurry, Bill. One of the National Security Agency's top investigators. Described as having long, sun bleached hair and skin darkened by the California sun.


    McGoon. What Pitt and Giordino call the robot guard that watches them after they are captured on Soseki Island.


    McGurk. One of the robots guarding Pitt and Giordino.


    Meeker, Curtis. Deputy director of advanced technical operations. Basically a shy man but acknowledged as the best satellite photo analyst in the world. A nice looking man, black hair sprinkled with gray, kind face, easy smile and eyes that reflect friendliness.


    Mendicino Fracture Zone. Location near Soggy Acres that Pitt and Plunkett must pass through on their way to Conrow Guyot. Said to dwarf the famous tourist site in northern Arizona, its steep escarpments average three thousand meters high.


    Messerschmitt. The German Luftwaffe's first turbojet airplane. Also called Swallows. Has a slim cigar shape to its fuselage, a vertical stabilizer and ungainly jet pods that hang from knife like wings. Has four 30 millimeter cannon for armaments. Pitt is given one by Halder. Pitt arranges to ship it to his home. After Pitt is feared dead, Giordino vows to restore the plane.


    Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


    Midgaard, Arne. Seaman from the Narvik who is on the boarding party that enters the Divine Star. Alerts Steen to the automobile in the cargo hold with its hood up. Dies from radiation poisoning.


    Midway. Island in the Pacific that sends rescue units to the site of the Divine Star explosion.


    Miller, W. A. Name on the dog tags of a skeleton Mancuso and Acosta find in the excavation of Corregidor.


    "Minnie the Mermaid." Famous B.G. DeSylvia song. Played by Pitt over Big John's underwater speaker when he rescues the crew of Old Gert.


    Mitsubishi A6M Zero. Plane Okinaga is flying. Powered by an 1,130-horsepower Sakae engine. Armed with two machine guns and two 20-millimeter cannons.


    Mitsubishi Ravens. Jet interceptors in the Japan Air Self-Defense Forces that are dispatched to shoot down the tilt-rotored airplane carrying Pitt and the group from Soseki Island.


    First Chief Directorate. Person who detonates the atomic bomb on Keegan's ranch. Claims to be an engineer with Miyata Communications. Married, with three sons. Member of the Golden Dragons.


    Miyata Communications. Company Miwa claims to work for.


    Miyaza, Jiro. One of Suma's chief structural engineers at Edo City. Has a wife and two children. Resembles Hanamura in face and body, so Hanamura impersonates him to gaim access to Edo City and find the blueprints that show the underground tunnel. Miyaza recognizes he is being impersonated when he notices Hanamura wearing his security badge. Alerts the guards, who chase Hanamura.


    Monroe, Roy. Secretary of the Navy.


    Morrison, General. Harold. Special deputy to General Leslie Groves who is head of the Manhattan Bomb Project. Briefs Dennings and his crew before their mission. Was both a master flight mechanic and aircraft engineer during his early Army Air Corps career. As Dennings' Demons lifts off the runway, he can hear one of the cylinders in one of the engines not firing.


    Morse, Clayton. Geophysicist at the National Earthquake Center.


    Morton, Commander Beau. U.S. Navy commander and skipper of the Tucson.


    Mosely, Sergeant Robert. Flight engineer on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka.


    Mothees Breath. Code name for the atomic weapon carried by Dennings' Demons. Morrison believes that President Tnirnan came up with the name. Measures nine feet in length and five feet in diameter. An implosion type bomb.


    Mother's Pride. Nickname for the atomic bomb loaded on Lovin' Lilly at Guam. After Fat Boy was dropped on Nagasaki, the bomb was shipped back to Los Alamos.


    Muraski. Name of the robot guard that watches Pitt and Giordino after they are captured on Soseki Island. It means "purple."


    Murmoto. Four-wheel-drive- pickup truck Hanamura drives in Japan. Powered by a V-6 engine.


    Murmoto limousine. Type of automobile Suma owns. Black and custom-built, it is powered by a twelve-cylinder 600-horsepower engine.


    Murmoto Motor Distribution Corporation. Located in Alexandria, Virginia. The building is described as modern red brick with large windows. Giordino goes there to find out where the Murmotos carrying bombs were shipped.


    Murmoto SP-500 sports sedans. Model of car that contains the atomic bombs. To be identifiable, the bomb laden cars are painted a putrid brown color.


    Murmoto sports car. Automobile Furukawa drives. Powered by a 400-horsepower, 5.8-liter, thirty-two valve V-8, it has a six-speed transmission.


    Murphy Owen. Owner of Shanghai Shelly. An old man with snow-white hair in a windblown mass and a long, curling white mustache. Went to Annapolis with Sandecker, then resigned from the Navy and started an electronics company. Sandecker claims Murphy has more money than the U.S. Treasury.


    Narvik. Norwegian Rindal Lines passenger-cargo ship. Scheduled cruise is Pusan, Korea, to San Francisco. Carrying one hundred thirty passengers when it comes upon the abandoned Divine Star. Total of two hundred fifty passengers and crew. Blown to bits when the atomic bomb on the Divine Star ignites.


    Nash, Dr. Percival. Nicknamed "Payload Percy." He is Pitt's uncle on his mother's side. Eighty-two years old. Nash was one of the scientists on the Manhattan Project which built the first atomic bomb. Former director on the Atomic Energy Commission, now retired. Has a great white beard, a knuckle for a nose and squinting eyes. A lifelong bachelor and gourmand who owns a wine cellar that is the envy of every society party thrower in town. The Motor Vehicle Department recently took away his motorcycle license, but he still drives his Jaguar XK 120.


    Natalie. Chef at the Maryland retreat where Suma is being debriefed by Jordan.


    National Earthquake Center. Located at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, the center monitors earthquake intensity worldwide.


    Nichols, Dale. Special assistant to the president. Smokes a pipe and wears old-style reading glasses. Nicknamed "the Protector of the Presidential Realm." Has a thicket of coffee-brown hair.


    Nippon. Another name for Japan. Means "source of i the sun."


    Noganii, Josh. Described as a young, smiling Japanese. Doctor on Soseki Island. Tells Pitt he was born and t raised in San Francisco and served his internship at St. Paul's Hospital in Santa Ana, California. Actually a British deep-cover agent who is against Suma. Father was a British subject, mother was from San Francisco. Attended medical school at UCLA. Escapes aboard the tilt-rotored aircraft to the Ralph R. Bennett.


    Oba. Nurse who works in the hospital on Soseki Island. Knows karate.


    Ocean Mother. Code name of an atomic bomb that was on Midway Island.


    Okinaga, Lieutenant Junior Grade Sato. Japanese pilot who shoots down Dennings' Demons. Described as young and inexperienced.


    Okinawa. Island between Japan and Taiwan where Dennings' Demons was due to refuel after it dropped its bomb.


    Okuma, Ubunai. Top-level robotic engineers who work on Soseki Island.


    Old Gert..The British deep-sea submersible that is near the Divine Star when she blows apart. Constructed by a British aerospace company, Old Gert is on her maiden test dive to survey the Mendocino fracture zone. The design of Old Gert is unique; instead of the single cigar-shaped hull, she features four transparent titanium and polymer woven spheres connected by circular tunnels that give her the appearance of a jack from a child's game.


    Orita, Roy. MAIT member of Team Honda and CIA field agent. In reality, he was born in the United States, a third-generation American. His father won the Silver Star in the Italian campaign in World War II.


    Osaka. City in Japan that is the primary target for the atomic bomb carried by Dennings' Demons.


    Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. After being chased by Suma's men, Pitt, with Giordino and Sandecker aboard, crashes the Jeep Wagoneer into the store, and they head for the gun display to arm themselves.


    Otokodate. Another name for Taiho.


    Padfic Paradise Hotel. Hotel in Las Vegas owned by Suma. Fox and Weatherhill trace the shipment of bomb-laden Murmotos to the hotel's underground parking lot. The hotel is constructed of concrete painted light blue with round porthole windows on the guest rooms.


    Penner, Mel. U.S. intelligence agent who is director of field operations for the MAIT on Koror. Described as having a corduroy-red face. His cover is that he is a UCLA sociologist studying native Palau culture.


    Phosgene. Poison gas that must be inhaled it to kill. Found by Pitt booby-trapped in the cavern holding artwork under Clausen's farm.


    Photonics. Fiber-optic transmission that allows people to see one another while talking over the telephone.


    Pillow lava. Wormy-looking rocks Fox views on the bottom of the ocean. Made when fiery lava strikes the cold ocean.


    Plunkett, Craig. Chief engineer and pilot of Old Gert. Described as a man of forty-five or fifty, with graying hair combed forward to cover his baldness. His face is ruddy and his eyes a medium brown with a bloodhound droop. An old confirmed bachelor.


    President of the United States. Described as having a lean build and bright blue eyes with a warm, outgoing personality. Formerly a senator from Montana.


    Pyraudder Eleven. Newest version of U.S. spy satellite. Reveals subterranean and suboceanic detail.


    Ralph R. Bennett. U.S. Navy detection and tracking ship. Features a giant box-shaped phased-array radar six stories tall. Was on station off the Soviet Union's Kamchatka Peninsula when it was ordered off Japan to launch Pitt and Giordino in the This X-20s.


    Red Horse. Code name for the director of the FBI's field operations.


    Reinhardt, Lieutenant Helmut. German dive officer who works with Pitt at Clausen's farm. Tall and well muscled. Speaks English with only a trace of an accent.


    Remington 1100 shotgun. Type of weapon selected by Giordino for the shoot-out at Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium. Giordino loads the shotguns with No. 4 Magnum buckshot.


    Robot dogs. Machines built in Suma's factory. Used by Katamori to track Pitt on Soseki Island. Able to detect human scent, heat and sweat.


    Rokota. Coastal town in Japan where there is a nuclear waste dump.


    Saber. Discipline in fencing.


    Sakagawa, David. Communications man on the Narvik. Joins the party that goes aboard the Divine Star because he's the only crewman who can speak Japanese. A Norwegian-born Asian.


    Salazar, Dr. Raul. Old Gert's marine geologist, from the University of Mexico. A small dynamo with a huge mass of curly hair. His movements are quick, black eyes darting constantly, never staring at one person or object for more than two seconds. Married, with a son. His family is in Veracruz.


    Samuel J. Vincent Laboratories. Furukawa is vice president of the company. The laboratory is situated in a tall glass building hidden from the street by a grove of eucalyptus trees. The company is a research and design center owned by a consortium of space and aviation companies. The work performed at Vincent is highly classified, and much of its funding comes from government contracts for military programs.


    Sang, Kim. Tourist on the beach at Marcus Island when Big Ben comes ashore. Married to Sarah. A pretty red-headed lady in her early twenties. One of the scientists working in Soggy Acres. Works part-time as a marine equipment engineer and as a marine biologist. She took first in a Miss Colorado body building competition and can bench-press two hundred pounds.


    Sawa 5.56-millimeter. Fifty-one-shot automatic rifles used by Suma's men in the shoot-out at Oscar Brown's Hardware Emporium.


    Sea Vulcan. Thirty-millimeter air defense weapon that can shoot forty-two hundred rounds a minute with a range as far as eight kilometers. A modern Gatling gun. Weapon on the Ralph R. Bennett that shoots down one of the Mitsubishi Ravens.


    Senzu Air Base. Base in Japan that dispatches the pair of Mitsubishi Ravens to shoot down the tilt-rotored aircra it carrying Pitt and the group after they escape from Soseki Island.


    Seppuki. Japanese term for belly cutting. What Americans refer to as hara-kiri.


    Shanghai Shelly. Classic Foochow-type junk or Chinese sailing ship. Three-masted with a high ovoid stern. Slams into the submersible piloted by Giordino when escaping Soggy Acres and sinks it. Owned by Murphy. Custom-built in Shanghai. Murphy and his crew are sailing it to Honolulu, then on to San Diego. When Sandecker arrives by flying boat, he asks his old friend Murphy if he can make the Shanghai Shelly the fleet command ship.


    Shemya Island. One of the Aleutian Islands, which are part of Alaska. Where Dennings' Demons took off for the flight to Osaka.


    Shikoku. One of the four main islands of Japan.


    Shimzu, Masaki. A revered sixteenth-century Kano school landscape artist. Painted a series of thirteen island seascapes featuring the Hida Mountains. The perspective of the paintings is from above looking down, and Shimzu allegedly painted them from sketches he took while hanging from a kite.


    Shintoism. Primary religion in Japan.


    Shokonsha. Another name for Yasukuni. Means "spirit-invoking shrine."


    Showalter, Marvin. Assistant director of security for the U.S. Department of State. Operates Team Cadillac from the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo and handles diplomatic problems. Has a wife and two young children. Abducted by Suma's men.


    Simmons, Jesse. U.S. secretary of defense.


    Simpson, Lieutenant Commander Raymond. Navy officer who briefs Pitt and Giordino on the Ibis X-20s. Described as a man on the young side of thirty with sun-bleached blond hair. Later coordinates Pitt and group eluding Mitsubishi Ravens and landing safely on the Ralph R. Bennett.


    Soggy Acres. Nickname of the NUMA underwater mining project Pitt is working on when the Divine Star explodes. Earthquakes triggered by the explosion crush Soggy Acres.


    Soseki Island. Formerly known as Ajima Island.


    Sounder. NUMA ocean survey vessel. Sounder is sonar-mapping the ocean floor off the Aleutians when Soggy Acres collapses.


    SR-90 Casper. A stealth reconnaissance aircraft that replaced the famous SR-71.


    Stanton, Captain Irv. The bombardier on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka. A jolly, round-faced man with a walrus mustache.


    Steen, Oscar. Chief officer of the Narvik. Has a sculpted Nordic face. His eyes are a darker blue than Korvold's, and he stands as lean and straight as a light pole. His skin is tanned and his hair bleached blond from exposure to the sun. Talks Korvold into letting him lead the search party to the Divine Star. When he finds his boarding party and himself becoming ill, he fires the Steyr into the front end of the car with the raised hood. That triggers the atomic reaction that destroys Divine Star, Narvik and Invincible and damages Old Gert and Soggy Acres.


    Stevenson, Roger. Director of the National Earthquake Center.


    Steyr. Austrian-made 9-millimeter double-action pistol Steen finds under the desk in the captain's quarters of the Divine Star.


    Stromp, Captain Mort. Copilot on Dennings' Demons flight to Osaka. Described as a complacent Southerner who moves with the agility of a three-toed sloth.


    Stutz. Famous automobile maker. Pitt has a 1932 Stutz LeBaron-bodied turquoise-colored town car in his collection. Stutz cars were produced from 1911 until 1935 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Stutz has an eight-cylinder five-liter engine featuring twin overhead camshafts with four valves per cylinder. Has a sun goddess radiator ornament. At the appearance judging at Richmond, Pitt's Stutz finishes third in its class. He beats Cussler's Hispano-Suiza in the race by half a car length.


    Sahaka, Dennis. Director of transportation for the Murmoto Motor Distribution Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia. Giordino, posing as an employee of the Connnerce Department, questions Suhaka. Described as round and jolly with a grand smile.


    Suma, ledeki. Has brushed-back white hair. At forty nine years of age, he is short for a Westerner but slightly on the tall side for a Japanese. The irises of his eyes are a magnetic blue.


    Sumn, Koda. Father of tedeki. The son of an ordinary seaman in the Imperial Navy. His father forced him to enlist in the Navy, but he deserted and joined the Black Sky. The Black Sky later fixed his desertion record and placed him in the Army as an officer. Rose to the rank of captain and worked with Black Sky to loot and steal from Navy vessels. When he realized that Japan was doomed to lose the war, he and Yo 378 shishu traveled by submarine to Valparaiso, Chile, and lived out the rest of the war and five years after in comfort. Returning to Japan, he resumed his criminal activities. Died in 1973 and left his son tedeki in charge.


    Sweeney, Major Charles. Pilot of Bock's Car.


    Taiho. One of the robot electrical inspectors on Soseki Island. The name means "big gun." Also referred to as Otokodate; a term for a sort of Robin Hood.


    Tew Chi. Stop on the Tokyo subway that Showalter exits from after eluding the Japanese agents following him.


    Team Buick. MAIT code name for Fox and Weatherhill. They are handling the domestic end of the investigation. Their cover is that they are journalists for the Denver Tribune.


    Team Cdc. MAIT code name for Showalter's team.


    Team Chrysler. MAIT code name for Penner's team.


    Team Honda. MAIT code name for Orita and Hanamura. They are in charge of the investigation in Japan and detecting the source of the bombs and the location of the command center that can detonate the bombs.


    Team Lincoln. MAIT code name for the group at Central Command.


    Team Mercedes. MAIT code name for Sandecker and Giordino. They are tasked with searching and salvaging the ocean floor for wreckage from the Divine Star.


    Team Stutz. MAIT code name for the team of Pitt and Mancuso. They are assigned to act as a support team.


    Tibbets, Colonel Paul. Pilot of the Enola Gay.


    Tinian. Island in the South Pacific where Dennings' Demons was to fly after refueling at Okinawa.


    Toshiba. Surface-to-air missiles. Missiles Yoshishu orders to be fired at Gentle Giant.


    Toyama. Japanese painter who in 1485 painted The Legend of Prince Genji, in Suma's collection on Soseki Island.


    Tsai, Ichiro. The chief director of Kanoya Securities, which is the largest securities company in the world. Described as short and slender with a jolly face. Is as ruthless as he is shrewd. A member of the Golden Dragons since age fourteen.


    Tsunami. A seismic sea wave. One of these wipes out Soseki Island.


    Tucson. U.S. Navy attack submarine that arrives at the site of the Soggy Acres collapse.


    Turner, Major Marcus. Pilot of Gentle Giant. Described as a big ruddy-featured Texan.


    Wake Island. Island in the South Pacific. Location of famous battle in World War II. Pitt and the group that escaped from Soseki Island are taken here when they depart the Ralph R. Bennett.


    Weatherhill, Timmothy. MAIT member of Team Buick. A nuclear scientist who specializes in radioactivity detection.


    "We May Never Pass This Way Again." Song by Seals and Crofts that Fox heard at her senior prom. She is running out of air in Old Gert as the song plays in her head.


    Yamashita's Gold. Named after General Yamashita Tomoyuki, who was commander of Japanese forces in the Philippines after October 1944. The treasure is an immense hoard consisting of thousands of metric tons of exotic gems and jewelry, silver and gold bullion, along with Buddhas and Catholic altar pieces encrusted with priceless gems and cast in solid gold. The hoard was taken from China, the Southeast Asian countries, the Dutch East Indies and the Philippines, then collected in Manila, Philippines. Because of heavy Japanese shipping losses, less than twenty percent of the hoard ever reached Tokyo. Faced with no place to stash the loot, the Japanese hid it in more than a hundred different sites on and around the island of Luzon. Conservative estimates place the value of the hoard at between four hundred fifty and five hundred billion dollars.


    Yasukuni. The revered memorial in Japan that honors those who died fighting for the emperor's cause since the revolutionary war of 1868. No foreigners are allowed to pass through the huge bronze gateway leading to the war heroes' shrine.


    Yoshishu, Korori. The grand old thief and leader of the Golden Dragons. Ninety-one years old. Was in the Black Sky organization until he founded the Gold Dragons. The son of a temple carpenter in Kyoto. Kicked out of the house by his father at age ten, he joined Black Sky. In 1927, when he was eighteen, the leaders of Black Sky arranged for him to join the Army, where he rose to the rank of captain. Helped the Black Sky dominate heroin smuggling in Southeast Asia. When he realized Japan was doomed to lose the war, he and Koda Suma traveled by submarine to Valparaiso, Chile, where they lived out the war and five years afterward in comfort. Later returned to Japan to resume his criminal activities. After Koda Suma's death, he split the group with Hideki Suma and concentrated on the criminal end.